What is a head massage?

Head massage is a type of therapy that relaxes your body and mind by improving the flow of energy by massaging the head, neck, and shoulders. This helps flush out stress-related hormones from the body and improves mood.

Here you may able to give facials, full-body treatment, as well as skull and neck massage to recover the health as well as the appearance of your beautiful skin. Some may offer other skincare treatment, such as the peels, masks, or scrub, to eliminate dead as well as the dry skin. In addition to effective with the clients, skincare specialist also keeps proceedings of the skincare regimen that their usual clients use. The growing number of the specialist actively sells skincare yield, such as cleansers, lotion, as well as the creams.

Head massage is a type of therapy that relaxes your body and mind by improving the flow of energy by massaging the head, neck, and shoulders. This helps flush out stress-related hormones from the body and improves mood.


The facial specialist also is known as the skincare specialist which may able to cleanses as well as beautifies the expression and body to improve a person’s look. They typically work in the salons, health as well as the beauty spas, or medicinal offices. Many works in the evenings and also on the weekends, especially freelance workers in using their own personal salon.

What to expect?

Head massage therapy is a seated massage where the massage therapist works on the upper back, shoulders, neck, head, and face and can be applied over the clothes or directly onto the skin using oil. The massage therapist will use gentle movements and light pressure with fingertips which will simulate the nerves within your scalp and forehead that provide relaxation and positive effects to your mind and entire body.


Our Pricing

  • Eyebrows - $10 - $15 (Varies By Location)

  • Upper Lip - $10

  • Chin - $10

  • Sides - $15

  • Full Face - $32

Some oils that are popular for head massage therapy include:

  • Coconut oil – moisturizes your hair and enhances growth. Coconut oil works very well as it has natural cooling properties, to slow down greying and thinning of hair. 
  • Castor oil – conditions the scalp with its anti-inflammatory nature and helps in reducing split ends. Mustard oils – mustard oil is known for generating heat which can stimulate circulation and soothe tense and sore muscles. 
  • Almond oil – moisturizes and improves the strength of your hair. It is a popular conditioning agent and prevents and treats inflammation around your scalp.
  • Sesame oil – moisturizes your hair and prevents graying.
  •  Jasmine oil – it is one of the recommended oils to relieve stress and tension, jasmine oil is also an antidepressant and antiseptic. Jasmine oil on its own is quite harmful and hence, it should be mixed with a light oil like olive or almond oil before applying it to the scalp.
  •  Bhringraj oil – bhringraj is a medicinal herb that grows in areas with moisture. It is used for treating various hair and skin problems. It is most effective when heated and applied directly to the scalp.