Scalp Treatment

Meet with a stylist to analyze your scalp using micro-cameras and devices to measure your scalp hydration levels, pH levels, and sebum production levels.


Exfoliate & Detox

Based on your consultation, your stylist will recommend a scalp treatment that caters to your specific scalp needs. A designated pre-shampoo will be applied to your scalp, section by section, until the scalp is fully covered and saturated. This treatment is designed to remove buildup from your scalp prior to applying your designated treatment.

Steam Towel Treatment

After applying your pre-shampoo, a warm towel will be wrapped around your head to open your hair follicle pores and maximize penetration of the ingredients from your pre-shampoo.



Following your steam towel treatment, a scalp massage will take place to increase microcirculation of blood flow to your hair follicles. This will stimulate the blood vessels around the hair follicle, allowing for more nutrition to reach your hair follicle.


Your scalp treatment will then be rinsed out and followed with a designated shampoo to clean and purify the length of your hair.


After your shampoo has been rinsed, a conditioner will be recommended based on your hair’s needs.

The difference is noticeable when new hair grows in, as smoothened hair is neither flat nor straight. Your hair is easier to manage and seems more natural.


Vial Treatment

After rinsing your conditioner, your hair will be towel dried and followed by a vial treatment that will be applied directly to the scalp. The vial treatment consists of a blend of essential oils and ingredients to lock-in your scalp treatment.

Keratin nourishes and shines hair without altering its texture. Smoothing treatments do not include formaldehyde, making them a safer option. They endure about six months on average.

Style Finish

After applying the vial treatment, you can either set yourself up at one of our self-blow-dry stations or you can add on a style finish with one of our stylists.